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Partners for Equality

& Educational Responsibility

in Kindergarten - 12th Grades

Who We Are

We are a San Diego-based grassroots organization -- comprised of parents, students, teachers, and community members -- created to unite and mobilize the Jewish community and its allies and to unapologetically fight against the spread of systemic Jew-hatred in the K-12 sphere.

Join Our Tribe


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Nothing About Us, Without Us
Image by CDC
Access & Policy
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What We Do

Working with parents, students, & teachers - along with other grassroots organizations - we are actively engaged with administrations and school boards, in addition to lawmakers, throughout the country, to protect Jews by exposing and permanently eliminating institutional Jew-hatred in K-12. 

One Voice,
One People


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Our Jewish Experience
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Exposing, Enabling & Enforcing
The dome of the United States Capitol Bu



How We Do It

We are problem solvers.

Whether it is passing resolutions, mobilizing the community, writing petitions, enforcing ed code, or  educating Congress, we do whatever it takes to get accountability and results and permanently dismantle Jew-hatred indoctrination in the K-12 ecosystem.

"Eternally thankful! Thank you SO much Nicole, Tamar and Eveie! You ladies get things done!" 



"Thanks for Zooming this morning. It is great [that] you are so committed to seeing that our students receive unbiased curriculum in school."



"We look forward to the collaboration as we address these ongoing concerns."


-Asst. Superintendent

"Excellent result. Congratulations."


-Board Chair, Jewish Org

"Bravo! Mission Accomplished!"



"Thank you so much for leading this effort and making it easy for us to support!"



"Thanks for all the work you are doing.  It is so important!"


-Vice President of Leadership, 

Major International Jewish Org

"Thanks again and we look forward to working with you in the near future. Let's support each other!"


-AAPI Community Leader

"Thank you so much for flying all the way across the country to advocate for Jewish students and parents. It was very meaningful and is particularly impactful for members and staffers to hear it directly from your mouths. Thank you guys! You’re all the best!" 


-International Jewish Organization

"Thank you so much! We could not have done it without such a great group of passionate and savvy professionals. I have already heard such great feedback from everyone who interacted with our group on the Hill. This is just the beginning and we look forward to continued engagement." 


-National Advocacy Organization

"I wanted to first congratulate you and say mazel tov for hosting such an impactful screening event of the film Killing America. It was very powerful, and the panel discussion afterwards was fantastic and enlightening. There was so much incredible information shared and the viewpoints from the panel were integral to what’s going on today."


-Activism Manager, International Jewish Organization

"Mazal tov on so many incredible accomplishments! Thanks for all your hard work on this! Glad to be a part of it." 


-Executive Director, Major International Jewish Org

"That’s amazing! Mazal Tov. Keep the good work!"



"A huge thank you for your leadership, strength, and community organizing. The uncountable hours you have devoted to learning, strategizing, and then teaching our community leaves me feeling a debt of gratitude that I can only repay by doing what I am able in my relationships to continue the stand against anti-Semitism. 


Knowing that you have careers and family lives with young children just makes me swell with gratitude even more. What amazing role models you are to people of all ages, but especially for our children."


-Parent & Community Activist/Layleader

"Congrats, and keep up the good work!"


-Regional Director, International Jewish Organization

"It’s good to hear from you!  It has been a difficult time and as always, I appreciate your outreach.  I would hope that we can schedule time to meet about possible opportunities for training."


-District Superintendent

"Thank you for this email and for making it easy to send a thank you to them.  I just sent mine.  I appreciate the effort you are taking to support our Jewish Community."


-Community Leader

"I really appreciate it. Have a good night and keep up the hard work. You're doing a great job for all of us."



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