We work tirelessly to safeguard K-12 education from extremist influences, ensuring that classrooms, school boards, teacher training programs, and curriculum development remain free from antisemitism and harmful ideologies.
We take swift, strategic action to address incidents of antisemitism and bias in schools, ensuring that these issues are acknowledged, investigated, and resolved.
Our work thrives on community mobilization. From petitions to public comments to media advocacy, PeerK12 transforms individual outrage into collective action.
Advocacy Coalitions
By uniting diverse communities around shared values of justice and inclusion, PeerK12 amplifies the impact of every campaign, ensuring that hate is not just a Jewish issue—it’s everyone’s issue.
Proven, LONG TERM Results
Whether it’s removing harmful curriculum, ensuring staff accountability, or instituting district-wide training, our efforts lead to measurable change that sets precedents for other schools and districts.
In a world where Jew-hatred and intolerance often go unchallenged, PeerK12 stands out as a proactive and relentless force for accountability and change.
Mobilizing communities, engaging policymakers, and ensuring that no student or family feels alone in the fight for the protection of Jewish Civil Rights in K-12 environments.​
While some stay silent or fail to act,
we step up & demand accountability.

Empowering Voices
Our advocacy goes beyond addressing individual incidents.
By working directly with impacted parents, affected students, and concerned community leaders, we help shape - or reshape - policies that ensure long term protection against bias and hate.
From introducing school board resolutions to organizing workshops that train parents on how to advocate for their children on key issues, to meeting with policy makers and elected officials - PeerK12 is creating positive and long lasting systemic change in K-12 education.
We don’t just raise awareness;
we deliver results.
Our case by case, customized advocacy strategies empower parents, students, and communities to identify and address Jew-hatred and injustice in K-12 schools with urgency, precision, and lasting results.
Through targeted advocacy, coalition building, and hands-on mobilization activities, we create impactful solutions where others are only able to see barriers or dead ends.
Unapologetically fighting for our Jewish Civil Rights in K-12.

"If you have the will -
then it is no dream."
- Theodore Herzl -
2024 Accomplishments
MOBILIZATION -San Diego County Board of Supervisors mobilization against ceasefire resolution (successful) + mobilization in support of Iran divestment (successful) + mobilization against reappointing contentious, local Imam to Human Rights Coalition (HRC is now on pause pending new policies due to our efforts) -Featured as a speaker on local advocacy webinar hosted by Combat Antisemitism Now (CAN). -San Diego Educators Association (SDEA) Ceasefire Resolution mobilization and awareness efforts. ADVOCACY -Training for parent groups in Connecticut & New Jersey -Training for parents regarding Massachusetts Teachers Union scandal. PARTNERSHIPS -American Jewish Medical Association (AJMA) -JewsInSchool
MOBILIZATION Helix Charter H.S. antisemitic panel mobilization (SUCCESSFUL -- event was cancelled within two hours of mobilizing the community on a Saturday morning) La Jolla Country Day and National Conflict Resolution Center incident response ADVOCACY Ethnic Studies Training Sessions with local parent groups Ethnic Studies Training Sessions with UCSD professors Coordinated meetings with Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) & San Diego Unified (SDUSD) and Dr. Brandy Shufutinsky on the topics of ethnic studies, DEI and Jew-hatred incidents Organized parent events with Dr. Brandy Shufutinsky on the topics of ethnic studies, DEI and Jew-hatred incidents PARTNERSHIPS Zachor Legal
MARCH 2024
MOBILIZATION Petition with 1580 signatures to SDUSD regarding their Equity & Belonging Newsletter showcasing antisemitic content AGAIN (SUCCESS -- content was removed, again) Letter and petition response to Governor Newsom regarding apology letter to Muslim community San Dieguito Union High School (SDUHSD) Ethnic Literature class scandal mobilization (SUCCESS - class and syllabus were removed) ADVOCACY Washington D.C. Jewish Parent Advocacy Fly-In to request a hearing from the Congressional Workforce and Education Committee (SUCCESS!) Incident responses and parent advocacy training: San Francisco Unified School District Berkeley Unified School District Seattle Public Schools Orange County School of the Arts Poway Unified School District Helped to coordinate 10/7 Screening event for elected officials and dignitaries PARTNERSHIPS Parents Defending Education EndJewHatred
APRIL 2024
MOBILIZATION PUSD - Palistine flag in school library mobilization (SUCCESS - flag was removed and policies to display items were amended to prevent future incidents) ADVOCACY Worked with SDUSD to remove antisemitic and false information from Arab American Heritage Month proclamation (was removed from agenda) Meetings with SDUSD boardmember Cody Peterson City of San Diego Proclamation #EndJewHatredDay City of Chula Vista Proclamation #EndJewHatredDay City of San Diego Jewish American Heritage Month Resolution Training sessions with North Carolina, Illinois & New York City parent groups LJCD Culture Day
MAY 2024
MOBILIZATION Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) in SDUSD mobilization (exposed Ethnic Studies dept as the authors of the controversial resolution, received apologies from the board) DEI group in PUSD (J.E.D.I.) mobilization to expose anti-Israel, antisemitic leadership (SUCCESS! JEDI was immediately dissolved by the District) Francis Parker Arab American & Jewish American Heritage Month incident response ADVOCACY Fly-in to Washington D.C. for the Bipartisan Congressional Hearing on Antisemitism in K-12, prepped staffers for the hearing Had meetings with members of Congress including Rep. Ritchie Torres, Rep. Juan Vargas, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, Rep. Jared Moskowitz, Sen. Laphonza Butler, and others UC High conflict resolution w/ Jewish teacher (complaint against her was dropped) Advocacy training for parent groups in Seattle and Ann Arbor PARTNERSHIPS Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM)
JUNE 2024
MOBILIZATION PUSD School Board mobilization in support of dismantling DEI group ADVOCACY Documentary Screening & Panel Event with filmmaker Eli Steele: Killing America at UCSD (150 guests including school boardmembers) National webinar guest speaker CA Policy Center research and analysis presentation PARTNERSHIPS CA Policy Center
JULY 2024
MOBILIZATION Petition with media outreach and coverage in collaboration with JewsInSchool, StandWithUs, and other parent groups in response to multiple anti-Israel resolutions at the American Federation of Teachers (SUCCESS! With pressure from our articles in New York Post among other outlets, AFT tabled, denied, or watered down all of their antisemitic resolutions) SDUSD School Board Ethnic Studies consultant controversy mobilization (the job description was amended after our comments to the board about the E.S. definition not following state law) Chula Vista Elementary School District & JAHM board meeting mobilization (SUCCESS! CVESD added JAHM to their official district school calendar and are working with PeerK12 to provide the appropriate resources for teacher training and curriculum) ADVOCACY In-person advocacy meetings with local and state elected officials Webinar and training session for Seattle Jewish professionals and layleaders PARTNERSHIPS StopHateinSchools
MOBILIZATION San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUHSD) Ethnic Studies implementation & mobilization ADVOCACY Moderated and facilitate CAN webinar featuring Eitan Chitayat #ImThatJew & President of Israel Isaac Herzog CA for Equal Rights (CFER) Annual Conference K-12 Panel discussion moderator JewsInSchool webinar series: K-12 Toolkit IAC Back to School event on Antisemitism in Schools at JCC PARTNERSHIPS JFNA
MOBILIZATION Chicano Park marquee removal mobilization (SUCCESS! We worked with the Mayor's office to get the messaging removed and put the offenders on notice) SDUSD Ethnic Studies newsletter promoting biased film "The Teacher" mobilization (SUCCESS! They removed the film and we were able to prove a pattern of offenses by the department, asking the District to implement policies and oversight. The dept issued an apology in January) SDUHSD Ethnic Studies implementation & mobilization (SUCCESS! We had a huge turnout and participation and were featured on ABC 10News) ADVOCACY High Tech High "Nakba Assignment" incident response (SUCCESS! Teacher was forced to issue an apology) University City H.S. MENA Club incident response 10/7 toolkit of approved materials sent to all CA superintendents Official Questionnaire sent to all School Board candidates in San Diego County JewsInSchool webinar series: Ethnic Studies Origin Story Submission of complaint against SDUHSD teacher union representative for bullying the parents who challenged the ethnic studies materials presented during parent engagement night CVESD Nazi Helmet incident response and follow up meetings with district leadership Ethnic Studies backgrounder event @ Carmel Valley Library PARTNERSHIPS Christian and Jewish Alliance (CAJA)
MOBILIZATION Continued to lead efforts for SDUHSD Ethnic Studies implementation, including 4 community engagement nights, 4 board study sessions, 4 school board meetings, and meeting 1:1 with district leadership (we were successful in getting a unit title changed to remove Systems of Power and replace it with Progress & Barriers) Design39 K-8 International Heritage Day Anti-Israel Incident Response Mobilization (SUCCESS! The District apologized for lack of oversight and promised to enforce policies) ADVOCACY Parent Advocacy Trainings: Coronado, Ann Arbor, Philadelphia, Orange County School Board candidate papers published & promoted: 11 Districts 17 Races 19 Candidates 12 1:1 Candidate meetings Hosted & Moderated SDUSD Area A Candidate Forum with local school PTAs @ Clairemont High School DMUSD Candidate Forum co-hosted with League of Women Voters @ Ashley Falls Elementary School PARTNERSHIPS PeerK12 meets with CAM CEO & CFO in Tel Aviv PeerK12 collaboration with StopHateinSchools.org to launch a joint Incident Tracking Platform and database
MOBILIZATION PeerK12 hosted 10/7 NOVA Survivor Rom El Hai events: -Teens @ Beth Israel (100 students) -Community @ Torrey Pines High School (65 attendees) ADVOCACY Chula Vista Elementary School District proactive planning meeting regarding the full implementation of JAHM SDUSD meeting concerning ongoing High Holy Days and scheduling conflicts VIP Attendee Empowered Education conference in Sacramento (conference was by invitation only) PARTNERSHIPS JNF
MOBILIZATION San Dieguito Union High School District Ethnic Studies implementation phase 4: board meeting mobilization, creation of talking points and advocacy requests from Board Trustees ADVOCACY Antisemitism in K-12 education panel participant at the 2024 Annual Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) Mayors Conference in Beverly Hills PARTNERSHIPS ICAN