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pbs: the u.s. and the holocaust
a film by ken burns, lynn novick & sarah botstein
The U.S. and the Holocaust, a new documentary by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein, examines the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany in the context of global antisemitism and racism, immigration and eugenics in the United States, and race laws in the American south.
This three-part, six hour series examines America’s response to one of the greatest humanitarian crises of the twentieth century.
Americans consider themselves a “nation of immigrants,” but as the Holocaust unfolded in Europe, the U.S. proved unwilling to open its doors to more than a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of desperate people seeking refuge.
Through firsthand testimony of witnesses and survivors, the series delves into the tragic human consequences of public indifference, bureaucratic red tape, and quota laws.